
In the Midwest they have a game called "cornhole" which involves throwing bean bags into holes in boards. Growing up on the East Coast, cornhole had a completely different meaning, but living in Chitown for three years now, I am doing my best to blend in. As a patron of the arts, I recently had a very special cornhole board commissioned featuring the likenesses of my two hunting dogs, Izzy and Mathman. I wanted to share the glorious result.
I bought a parakeet at a back alley Chinatown apothecary last week. Against the wise but curmudgeonly old shopkeeper's advice, I fed Felicia after midnight and she turned into this: I believe it's a Barred Eagle-Owl. It ate Mathman.
I took this pic of my dog Mathman in the vet's office last week just minutes before his neutering. He clearly knew what was in store...