Melissa Rhoads

Guest Blog By Melissa Rhoads, biotechnology strategist at Lockheed Martin Every New Year’s Eve, my siblings and cousins wrote down what we wanted to be when we grew up, and year after year, I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. It was not until I cleaned manure all day at a volunteer zoo event that I realized I wanted to explore other options. So how did I find my passion? Well, I love to solve problems, and at its core, engineering is problem-solving. It is a way of thinking. As a result, while I started as a biology major, I graduated college with a degree in electrical engineering.…
By Larry Bock  Co-Founder of USA Science Science & Engineering Festival  Seemingly as fast as the speed of technology, another new year is upon us, leaving us to ponder and predict what the next 12 months will bring. You only have to view a recent issue of Popular Science which lists the top 100 innovations that occurred in 2013 to realize that 2014 will undoubtedly continue to belong to those with the courage, talent, vision and tenacity to innovate – especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). So, to all you young students with the desire to be the next Elon…