Miracle Mineral Supplement
Regular readers might have wondered why there was no post yesterday. The answer's simple: A combination of work and having to fly out to Buffalo for the CFI Reason for Change conference, where I'll be on a panel on (of course!) alternative medicine later today. That same combination means that this post will be uncharacteristically brief. I know, I know. When I say "uncharacteristically brief," usually what happens is that I manage to keep things under 2,000 words for a chance, but that's just how I roll.
However, as busy as I am at the moment, I just have to take note of a most happy…
As depressing as the litany of quackery and patient harm that I follow nearly every day can become, occasionally I am heartened to learn of a victory for science-based medicine and, more importantly, for the patients being victimized by pseudoscientific treatments. One of the most simultaneously ridiculous and vile of these treatments is a solution known as the "Miracle Mineral Solution" or "Miracle Mineral Supplement" (MMS). MMS is the "discovery" of a man named Jim Humble who, for reasons only understood by antivaccinationists, HIV/AIDS denialists, quacks, and cranks, decided that ingesting…