numerical model
I happened to catch two parts of two different episodes of Meteorite Men - a show about two guys that look for meteorites. In both of the snippets I saw, they were talking about a debris field for a meteor that breaks up. In these fields, the larger chunks of the meteorite are further down in the field. Why is this?
Let me approach this first from a terminal velocity view. This requires a model for air resistance. I will use the following:
rho is the density of air
A is the cross sectional area of the object
C is a drag coefficient that depends on the shape of the object
v is…
On MythBusters this week, Adam and Jamie tested the bullet-proofness of various objects. The one that sticks in my mind is the ipod. The said there was a report of a solider being shot by an AK-47, but he was saved because the bullet hit his ipod. To test this, Adam shot an AK-47 at an ipod and it went through. Their conclusion was that he was also wearing body armor. I am not sure I like that conclusion. Why would someone report that the ipod saved him if he was also wearing body armor? Maybe they would, but not sure.
I was thinking, maybe the bullet went through the ipod because they…
There is no air resistance in line rider. Sorry to spoil the suspense.
To test for the presence of an air resistance force, a track was created that let the rider fall.

(note the markers on the side. These are used to keep track of how the origin is moving).
Below is the y position of the rider as a function of time:

In this situation, the rider falls about 100 meters. A quadratic line is fit to the data…