Your blogiste will be getting ready for Passover, spring planting and travelling to visit family. So don't expect too much from me. I'll be back to normal mid-week next week, by about the point that I never, ever want to see another piece of matzah again.
Back to Passover cleaning. Hope all of your houses are tidier than mine (which would not be difficult ;-)).
Passover is a holiday deeply concerned with inclusion - at one point during each seder night, we open our doors and leave them open wide, and call out "let all who are hungry come and eat." One year, teaching Hebrew School to 10 year olds, I asked them what would happen if they called out and a stranger came in and sat down. My students, largely from affluent and middle families in a leafy suburb where most strangers are likely to be much like them, were to a one deeply uncomfortable with the notion. They expressed fear at the thought of the stranger coming to their table, even surrounded…