Patrick Michales

I'm surprised it took as long as a day for denialists like Patrick Michaels to gloat over the finding that the loss of the ice caps on Kilimanjaro - an example used by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth - has turned out to be from causes other than global warming (a more in depth paper). But one thing they usually won't mention when they quote these articles - how Kilimanjaro was the exception that proved the rule. In an article in the July-August edition of American Scientist, Mote and Kaser also cited decreased snowfall in the area as a driver of melt because bright, white snow reflects…
How dare Al Gore open his mouth and say things! Here comes the Cato Institute to the rescue, featuring denialist Pat Michaels (Also see Sourcewatch). What were Gore's great gaffes worthy of scorn from the esteemed think tank? First he suggested dramatic increases in sea level if significant ice sheets were to melt. You know, even a one-meter increase, even a three-foot increase in sea level would cause tens of millions of climate refugees. If Greenland were to break up and slip into the sea or West Antarctica, or half of either and half of both, it would be a 20-feet increase, and that would…