If Chaiten, Llaima and Puyehue weren't enough, the Chilean Regional Emergency Office is placing seismometers on Peteroa volcano after its shown signs of increasing activity. The volcano is located out on the border with Chile and Argentina and has a number of glaciers that start from the edifice. Looking at the eruptive history of Peteroa, it seems that it has spasms every 30 years or so, although the last known eruption was ~10 years ago. The eruptions are mostly phreatic explosions (related to magma-water interaction) and the last known eruption that produced significant lava, ash and…
While I was looking at the gallery of Chaiten photos, I noticed another headline (in spanish) saying that the SERNAGEOMIN has issued a yellow alert for potential activity at Puyehue. Now, the "article" doesn't offer much besides pictures and maps, but apparently there has been an increase in seismic activity in the vicinity of the volcano.
Puyehue is a volcano in the Andes of southern central Chile and is actually part of a complex with Cordon Caulle. Most of the eruptions in recent history (1990, 1960, 1930s) have been from Cordon Caulle, with the most recent activity at Puyehue appearing…