Ron Milo
The Weizmann Wave has been a bit dormant lately for various reasons, including the fact that we have been getting ready to launch our new website (same address, same content, slightly different look).
While you eagerly await the new site, here is a quiz we put on Facebook to see if anyone has been following our research news over the past year.
Also, don’t forget to check out Cell Biology by the Numbers, featuring the best picks of the BioNumbers site, edited by our own Prof. Ron Milo, together with Prof. Rob Phillips of CalTech and illustrated by Nigel Orme. Start browsing and you’ll be…
Do you know the real price of a piece of beef? Here is a nice, round number to chew on: The environmental cost of beef is ten times that of dairy, eggs or poultry. This means that if you chose to eat a steak over an omelet, (assuming they have equal amounts of protein) the ecological footprint of your meal will go from a size 5 to a size 50.
Drs. Ron Milo, Gidon Eshel, research students Alon Shepon and Tamar Makov realized that even though we might try to make the right choices in our diets, we’re likely to base them on the pronouncements of experts. The problem is that neither we nor they…