School Stuff
Burns Hargis.
If Burns Hargis were a gamer, hed be Leeroy Jenkins.
Hes a newb. He messed up. And its screwed over everyone.
Apparently Hargis admitted he 'messed up', personally deciding to reject NIH funds:
Hargis told faculty Thursday that he erred in not talking to OSU scientists before quashing a research project that involved euthanizing baboons.
Hargis said he wasn't influenced by animal rights activists but said his decision was complicated and there were "confidential factors" that he couldn't discuss.
"To go through every lurid detail is simply not prudent," he told the OSU Faculty…
Im not gonna lie.
We got a lot of shit to put up with in Oklahoma.
Batshit insane politicians trying to ban scientists from the state, make federally funded research illegal, hold up HIV/AIDS funding for personal religious reasons, post medical identifiers of women who have abortions online... yeah, theyre just pretty much insane.
So a question I get rather frequently is "Why the hell did you decide to go to grad school in Oklahoma??"
Some might assume I only put up with 'Oklahoma crap' because I 'had to', which is certainly not the case.
The University of Oklahoma is actually a really great…
When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the Master.
Only a Master of Evil, but still, I passed my qualifying exam this morning.
ERV hasnt gotten kicked out of grad school yet! Win!
So these past couple of weeks Ive been writing my masters paper. The topic is basically 'What you gonna do to get your PhD?'-- Its my game-plan for the next 2-3 years.
So just out of curiosity, since Myth #7 is "Modern medicine would collapse without evolution", I wondered how many times I used 'evolution' in my paper. Excluding figures, only 12 times.
But I used 'fitness' 89 times, 'random' 8 times, 'selection' 17 times, 'recombination' 4 times, 'competition' 12 times, 'quasispecies' 45 times, 'escape'/'resistance' 16 times, and variations of 'population bottleneck' 32 times.
Oh, and '…