Scibling Showdown

Today we have Scibling Showdown # 2 - the pros and cons of grad school.  This episode includes Jason Goldman of the Thoughtful Animal, Christie Wilcox of Observations of a Nerd and Scicurious of Neurotopia.  We talk about how we chose our current labs, things we wish we had known before we started grad school, and where we plan to end up (spoiler: none of us have any idea!).  We also discuss how blogging plays into the graduate school experience, and here it sounds like we've all had overwhelmingly positive experiences.  I think any student will admit that grad school is a bit bipolar -…
Regular readers know that that Peter and I do a semi-regular podcast on obesity-related issues.  This week, I have a discussion with psychology researcher (and fellow ScienceBlogger) Jason Goldman (UPDATE: Jason's thoughts on the podcast here).  For the uninitiated, self-report data refers to information that people provide themselves - questionnaires and interviews are very common examples.  This is in contrast to direct measurement, which is exactly what it sounds like - researchers measuring your height and weight themselves, etc.  The podcast was inspired by a recent conversation where I…