SciBlings in NYC 2008

UN Millennium Hotel lobby flowers, NYC. Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [larger view]. Now that I am recovering from a very painful pinched nerve in my neck (FINALLY!), I will tell you about the get-together that my colleagues and I enjoyed, thanks to Seed Media Group. My colleagues who traveled to NYC stayed at the beautiful Millennium Hotel, where a lot of the visiting dignitaries stay when attending meetings at the United Nations, across the street. Unfortunately, I never saw the rooms, but I did take the opportunity to photograph the lobby, which was quite impressive to my eye; UN…
ScienceBlog's reader meet-up is in the process of being changed because of a very real and present threat of rain. An outdoors-only venue is definitely not a good idea if those who show up have to huddle under umbrellas or get soaked down to their underwear! The time and date remain unchanged but the location has been changed; The new location: Social bar and lounge -- look for us in the back room. Date: Saturday, 9 August 2008 Time: 2-4pm Seed Media is buying the first round of drinks so don't be late!