Speotyto cunicularia

tags: Burrowing Owl, Speotyto cunicularia, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Burrowing Owl, Speotyto cunicularia, photographed on Antelope Island, a wonderful birding location north of Salt Lake City, Utah. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours] Image: Terry Sohl, 27 July 2009 [larger view] Canon 50D, 400 5.6L lens. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Review all mystery birds to date.
tags: Burrowing Owls, Speotyto cunicularia, wildlife, nature, image of the day Burrowing Owls, Speotyto cunicularia, Fighting in the Snow. Image: Rance Rogers [larger view]. Rance Rogers captured this fleeting shot just after a heavy snow in Roswell, New Mexico. A pair of owls exploring outside their burrow were surprised when a third dropped in for a fight. Rogers enjoys photography that gives people a close-up look at nature, "so they can truly appreciate the beauty that surrounds us." Go here to see more images. This image appears here with the kind permission of my friends at National…