stereotype threat

In the recent articles, blog posts, and comment threads about possible biological reasons for the continued gender disparity in tenured math and science faculty positions, the discussion seems to be divided between two groups: those who emphasize the social and cultural aspects involved in gender and intelligence, and those who emphasize the scientific evidence of standardized test performance. The science team rails against "political correctness," claiming that by questioning the merits and motives of scientific hypotheses of differences in innate intelligence between different groups of…
Having lived with fire ants, stepped in fire ants, laid down with fire ants, and been bit just about everywhere by fire ants, the news that parasitic flies turn fire ants them into zombies by eating their brains pleases me immensely. Speaking of pleasure: Vaughn whacks the dopamine = pleasure meme. Sharon Begley says Obama may get a lot done, but he can't erase stereotype threat (so far). We may be dozing, but Europe is ordering its swine flu vaccine. D'oh! Update: We're getting a start too. "Good night, sleep tight, I love you." Why consistent bedtime routines work. Why the best…
Ed Yong examines how a simple writing exercise helps break vicious cycle that holds back black students. The Questionable Authority considers The Torture Memos, Medical "Professionals", and the Hippocratic Oath. Jessica Palmer, in a healthy display of online media's corrective power, tries to make clear that For the last time: that "Twitter is Evil" paper is not about Twitter!. Zimmer takes a tour of assisted migration. Effect measure argues the lack of universal health care in the US is morally and fiscally bankrupt.