
The National Complete Streets Coalition, a program of Smart Growth America, has released Dangerous by Design 2014, a new report that ranks major metropolitan areas according to the Pedestrian Danger Index and presents recommendations for reducing pedestrian injuries and fatalities. The report authors note that between 2003 and 2012, more than 47,000 people were killed while walking, and pedestrian fatalities disproportionately claim the lives of older adults, people of color, and children. The areas with the worst PDI scores (pedestrian fatalities per 100,000 people divided by the share of…
"Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories." -Ray Bradbury It wasn't all that long ago -- back when I was a boy -- that the only planets we knew of were the ones in our own Solar System. The rocky planets, our four gas giants, and the moons, asteroids, comets, and kuiper belt objects (which was only Pluto and Charon at the time) were all that we knew of. Image credit: NASA's Solar System Exploration, But these were just the worlds…
"Death comes to all, but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold." -Ralph Waldo Emerson In the great cosmic ocean, there's only one planet that we know -- for certain -- has the right conditions and history to result in intelligent life: our own. Image credit: NASA, from the Space Shuttle, for Sun-Earth Day 2008. Life -- or even intelligent life -- may be possible in environments vastly different than our own: around different classes of stars, at different temperatures, and even with different molecules and/or chemical elements. But we know for…
Image credit: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. Good luck, clear skies and great viewing for everyone out there trying to see the Venus Transit! Update 1: Watch the event live here, or watch the embedded NASA video stream, below: Live video from your Android device on Ustream Update 2: here are the results of my Transit "expedition", where I didn't get any good photos directly through my protective eyegear, but the binocular trick paid off handsomely. Image credit: Kelly Montgomery, from my crummy binoculars duct taped onto a tripod. No, really, that's what this is. For those of you who'…
The UN climate talks going on in Durban aren't likely to lead to any major breakthroughs, but it would be nice if the US could at least avoid backsliding on the better-than-nothing steps it's taken on emissions. One important step for controlling emissions is ensuring the availability of affordable public transportation. Congress has helped make public transit more affordable for workers for the past three years by temporarily raising the limit on the monthly amount of pretax salary that can be set aside for transit. The problem is that limit, currently set at $230 per month, is set to drop…
Kepler announces discovery of transiting hierarchical triple. Extremely weird, with bonus cute animation... KOI-126 is an interesting object. It is a massive star (F main sequence if I caught the numbers right) primary, with two low mass M-stars orbiting it. The M-stars orbit each other in a very tight orbit, and their center of mass in turn orbits the primary, with both secondaries transiting the primary, providing very complex and fascinating light curves. Exquisite. No idea how such a system could come to be. It is very compact, could even have planets further out, and very hard to see how…
Kepler 10-b, announced at the Annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society today, has a mass of 4.6 Earth masses and a radius of 1.4 Earth radii. Density of 8.8 Kepler 10b: Exoplanet Catalog Kepler Mission website - 700 more to go. Kepler 10b - Mission catalog data 20 hour orbital period around an old, slightly metal poor ( Z ~ -0.15) G dwarf. 500 light years away. Kepler 10b - artist's conception Paper is Batalha et al (ApJ in press) - expect it will be on arXiv tonight. Lightcurve ought to be interesting, will really tell us how deep Kepler is going to go. 11th magnitude host star…
Canadian-French Hawaii Telescope transit observations show super-earth is probably a mini-neptune Ray Jay reports from Torino that his group has CFHT observations on GJ 1214b transits, suggesting it has a H/He atmosphere, and is therefore probably not a "super-earth", but more likely an ice giant with neptune like atmosphere. This is interesting, suggesting indirectly the planet migrated from beyond the ice line and did some gas accretion onto its core before reaching the inner system. Looking forward to seeing the paper.