Reminder: Workers Memorial Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow, April 28th, is Workers Memorial Day. Tammy at United Support and Memorial for Workplace Fatalities has compiled an extensive list of events taking place across the US, and Hazards Magazine has links to events from around the world. Commenter Joan Lichterman also alerted us to an event at UC Berkeley.

If you're in the DC area, join us in front of the Department of Labor (200 Constitution Ave. NW) at 8am for a rally with family members who've lost loved ones to workplace fatalities. At 9am, we'll march to the Senate and House hearing chambers.

At 10am, two Congressional committees will hold hearings on worker safety. Celeste Monforton will be testifying at the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committeeâs Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety hearing (430 Dirksen Senate Office Building, First & Constitution NE). The House Education and Labor Committee will be holding a hearing at the same time (2175 Rayburn, First & Independence SW).

And no matter what you're doing tomorrow, take a moment to think about all the workers who've been injured and lost their lives while on the job - and what we can and should be doing to make workplaces safer and healthier for all.

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