APS 2010 Starts Tomorrow!


So who is going to be at APS this week in Boston?

I'll be there for both the pre-conference teaching institute as well as the main conference.

Find me presenting a poster during the teaching institute:
Teaching Institute Poster Session - Board: TI-054
Location: Back Bay Ballroom
Date/Time: Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

And during the main conference:
Poster Session XII - Board: XII-027
Location: Grand Ballroom
Date/Time: Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

I will also be attending the workshop on scientific writing on Thursday afternoon, the Psi Chi Distinguished Speaker talk by Steven Pinker on Friday afternoon, Champions of Psychology on Saturday afternoon (meet all your favorite textbook authors), and of course lots of other things.

I'm not sure what the electricity and wireless situation will be during the conference, but if possible I'll do some live-blogging. If the electricity and/or wireless situation is less than stellar, you can expect periodic updates throughout the conference. I will surely do some live-tweeting, and you can keep your eyes on the official hashtag for the conference: #APSconv

I also have plans to find the ducks! (Last June I was in Boston for SSSR and looked and looked and looked and could not find them!)

Are you going to be there? Presenting a poster? Let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to come by!


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