Editor's Selections: Movies, Addiction, and Liking

Here are my Research Blogging Editor's Selections for this week:

  • A new post by Scicurious recommends, "If you're trying to quit smoking, it's best to stay away from movies or TV shows depicting smoking, which might induce craving and cause you to relapse." Easier said than done, perhaps. Movies and the Smoking Brain.
  • Dirk Hanson of Addiction Inbox writes, "Every day, addicts are quitting drugs and alcohol by availing themselves of drug treatments that did not exist fifteen years ago." However, not every treatment works for everyone, and some of the differences in responses to specific anti-craving medications may lie in genetic variations. Personalizing Addiction Medicine.
  • An interesting - and somewhat surprising - finding is explained by Janelle of her eponymous research blog. The causes you "like" on Facebook may actually matter.

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