Kevin Dayhoff has posted Carnival of Maryland #5.
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...but don't called me a spider-head. My Maryland Blogger Ally Kevin Dayhoff has unearthed [constructed] a very... comprimising photo of yours truly.
So, in honor of Mr. Dayhoff's tribute, all subsequent spider posts at TVG are hereby dedicated to him.
Thanks Kevin.
Carnival of Evolution #5 is up at The Other 95%!
And, for those dedicated Nerd followers (the few elite that you are), my Fun With Evolution made the cut! The ever gracious Kevin Zelnio called it "the ultimate in geeky barroom debate" - thanks!
Panta Rei #5 - Chemical Sciences - is up on Nonoscience. Next edition is a Life Sciences special, planned for May 28, 2007 also at Nonoscience.
Carnival of the Godless #66 is up on The Atheist Experience.
Oekologie #5 - last call for submissions for tomorrow's edition on The Voltage Gate.
The next…
The Carnival of Bad History #5 has been hosted at Ahistoricality.
Of course, the carnival features a number of posts about ultimate in bad history, Holocaust denial. How could it not, with the recent trial of Holocaust denier David Irving in Austria?