
Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.

-Louis Pasteur


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“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” -Louis Pasteur Well, it's been another doozy of a week here on Starts With A Bang, and we've run the gamut from the far future to the smallest theoretical scales, from Hubble to the…
Janet points me to this post which points to this research which reinforces the theory that placental environment might have a strong effect on the phenotype of the fetus. Since I've expressed an interest in genomic imprinting let me respond to Jill at Feministing's query, "why do we have to know…
Here's a dilemma: I think Ron Numbers, the philosopher and historian of science, is a smart fellow and a net asset to the opposition to creationism, and I agree with him that a diversity of approaches to the issue is a good thing. My opinion could change, though, because I am experiencing…
Today's the day that Answers In Genesis' museum of ignorance, their "looks like, acts like, smells like, and pretends to be, but decidedly is not a science museum," the Creation Museum opens. I'm horrified about this on many levels. As a scientist, I'm horrified about it just like every other…