This week at the Library Leadership Network

A bit of background for those new to Walt at Random

The Library Leadership Network (LLN) is "a platform designed to help library leaders (and those who will become leaders) communicate, coordinate, find resources and share information." It's a service of Lyrasis, a large library network formed from the merger of two regional library networks, PALINET and SOLINET.

While LLN primarily targets library leaders, most of what's there can be useful for leaders of all sorts--and "leader" for LLN isn't just a synonym for "manager." Anyone can read LLN content (it's free), and several hundred people can also edit or add to LLN content (it's a MediaWiki wiki). I'm the editorial director, writing, acquiring, editing and synthesizing content for LLN.

I believe LLN has much to offer every traditional reader of Walt at Random, and quite possibly many of you who are new to the blog.

Keeping up with LLN

The easiest way to keep up with new and improved content at LLN is to subscribe to LLN Highlights, a blog that typically has one post a week summarizing changes in LLN. (You can subscribe to posts or have them delivered via email.)

Through today, I've reposted each LLN Highlights post at Walt at Random. After this week, I'll stop doing that. Instead, I'll offer a "This week at the Library Leadership Network" post that notes a few changes and discusses some broadly-applicable aspect of LLN.

Open access

LLN doesn't just talk about leadership and management. It also discusses issues that library leaders should be aware of. One of those issues--or, rather, cluster of issues--is the whole "open" situation.

This week sees a new article, "Open access misunderstandings," excerpted and adapted from Peter Suber's longer article on that topic.

That adds to a growing cluster of articles, some of them entirely original, including basics, controversies, issues, myths, resources, an essay on why open access matters and more.

There's also a cluster of articles on Open source.


See this week's post at LLN Highlights for a complete list of this week's changes.

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