Top 10 Physics Predictions for 2016 (Synopsis)

“For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice.” -T.S. Eliot

It's the end of the year, and so you know what that means: time for lazy recaps of "the year that was" everywhere you look. Why settle for last year's news, though, when you can start making predictions about what next year will hold?

Image credit: Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory. Image credit: Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory.

I make 10 bold predictions for what 2016 will hold, including:

  • the first detection of a gravitational wave,
  • a new record for the smallest exoplanet atmosphere with water,
  • that the "super-Earth" discovered in the outer Solar System actually turns out to be smaller than Pluto,
  • and that all direct detection efforts for dark matter will come up empty, again.

Plus, a preview of who I think will win the Nobel Prize in Physics next year!

Image credit: Julianne Moses, Nature, 505, 31–32 (02 January 2014). Image credit: Julianne Moses, Nature, 505, 31–32 (02 January 2014).

What are you waiting for? Go join in the fun!


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