First Google Hit

Dear Reader, the new blog has received its first Google hit, less than a week after coming on-line. And what did this web surfer search for? Bikinis? Big Danish bog booty? No: "Aardvarchaeology". It's already a household name.


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Sure, it's a cool name, but c'mon, Martin: we know why you chose it. To be first in the list of blogs! But you won't be, because Coturnix cleverly changed his blog's name to start with just plain A - the only thing that comes before Aa. That wily Serb!

You know, I actually chose between Zzzebrarchaeology and Aardvarchaeology, and I found that since I write more often about aardvarks than zebras, the second alternative was more appropriate.

You're right about Bora, though. He's nothing but a Continental European, and we all know what they are like.