New Story from the Grumpy Old Bookman

i-ca5afe797d97b39ce031b1438c22351d-pp517ebdae.pngBritish author and elderblogger Michael Allen, a.k.a. the Grumpy Old Bookman, has just released Lucius the Club. It's a new 48-page crime story available as a free CC-licensed PDF and a €4 chapbook from Lulu. I haven't read it yet, but I've enjoyed his other recent fiction very much and I follow his blog on a daily basis.

Get the file and read a few pages! What have you got to lose?

Update 21 March: Read it yesterday on my handheld. Excellent work, evoking a very English world of post-war kitchen-sink noir.

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Very interesting link, and that's even before I've read any of his fiction - also, good info on self-publishing, I like the idea you can get just a handful of copies printed of a self-constructed book without having to fork out a load of cash, which most of us simply don't have. Good one.

The GOB is a gem. Very pragmatic and knowledgeable about writing and publishing, and with absolutely no respect for High Literature.