Peter Köhler on Broadway


My excellent brother-in-law Peter Köhler is an artist of the well-educated, hip, productive and non-starving kind. He teaches and exhibits his work internationally, and now he's got something coming up at a gallery on Broadway in New York.


Works by John Aslanidis, Susann Brännström, Peter Köhler, Karen Schifano, Lorraine Williams

March 8 - April 28, 2007
Opening reception Thursday, March 8, 6 to 8 pm
Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11 am to 6 pm

Tobey Fine Arts is proud to present an exhibition of works by the international group of artists calling themselves the Verus Painters, who are John Aslanidis, Susann Brännström, Peter Köhler, Karen Schifano and Lorraine Williams. [...]

Peter Köhler invites the viewer into a world immersed in folklore, yet rich in contemporary awareness. His paintings freely cross the line between abstraction and figuration, and these paintings give as much credence to psychological states as they do to physical reality. Mr. Köhler is very aware of the brutal yet comic nature of the world around us. He possesses a sense of the ironic that does not rely on pop cultural references but instead on timeless truths that have universal resonance.

As you can see, Peter clearly needs a new copywriter, but his paintings are really cool.

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