Lars Lundqvist Blogs

i-e7d0ac2d0bbb6f95f5c61e8f6787637c-rosebyggare.jpgMy buddy Lars Lundqvist, long-time regular Dear Reader and contributor of excellent archaeopix, started a blog three weeks ago: Arkland. It's in Swedish, it's finely illustrated, and it's mainly about Swedish archaeology. Yes, this is the guy who did all those cool digs at Slöinge, Vittene and Saleby. Go have a look and write a comment or two!

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As the first reader-submitted pic, my buddy Lars Lundqvist has sent me a snap of himself taken by Klas Höglund in October 1995. Lars is happy in this picture, the reason being that he's just found the object he's holding. It's a large plough-mangled Continental gold neck ring of the first few…
My friend Lars at Arkland always comes through with ace photographs when I ask for them. Here's a pic he took in 1995 when a landowner at Vittene in Västergötland had come forth with an Early Iron Age gold torque he had kept in a closet for many years. In this picture, our late colleague Ulf…
Lars Lundqvist promptly answered my call for archaeopix. Here's a recently discovered 1st Millennium BC stone setting on wooded outland belonging to the hamlet of Åby, Misterhult parish, Småland, Sweden. The stone pavement, which is not scheduled for any excavation, is a grave superstructure, most…
Wednesday last I asked Aard's growing ranks of regular Dear Readers to say "Hey" and introduce themselves. And the response was great! Many, many thanks for all the appreciative comments. My purpose in asking this was twofold: a) I wanted to get to know you guys better, b) I wanted to know how I…

Martin: Hmmm, thanks, a few hundred percent more visitors visited arkland today... no wonder why!