Eight Pieces of Data

Been tagged with the same chain letter by the guys at Why Don't You Blog? and Tim at Walking the Berkshires. So, in the interest of full disclosure, here are eight random facts about me.

  • I've played seven matches of Jeopardy.
  • I'm a Lord of the Forodrim.
  • I once caught chlamydia from a registered midwife.
  • Along with a hoard of other forodrimites, I once ran around a golf course on a Midsummer Night in the nude, showering in the sprinkler system.
  • I'm myopic on the right-hand eye only, giving me poor stereoscopic vision.
  • The hardest mind-altering drug I've ever taken in a dose large enough to affect my mental state is caffeine.
  • I once spent a night on a towel under a garden table at the Masada hillfort.
  • I'm crap at ball sports.

Anyone who feels up to it is welcome to consider themselves tagged.


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I'm technically still a member of the British former-fief of the Forodrim (they declared UDI at some point, apparently). Give my regards to Beregond.

How cool! I wish I could remember the name of that fief. I think you guys sent an embassy to my first banquet in 1988. Tol... Tol... Tol something.

I met Beregond just a few months ago at Forodrim HQ. Completely unchanged, still looks just like a hobbit!

You are good to play along, Martin. I believe I've been in that sprinkler system before, or one very much like it, but with a bunch of new reformed druids. Otherwise sounds like the same thing.