Local Liberals Read Aard

The Liberal Party in my home municipality of Nacka has started a blog and kindly put local bloggers on their blog roll. They've tagged Aard "Extreme Archaeologist". I'm taking that as a compliment -- I mean, they aren't calling me "Archaeological Extremist".

As mentioned here before, Sweden's political spectrum is much wider than the US one. The United States' entire bipartisan system maps onto the conservative half of Sweden's parliament. We're currently governed by a conservative coalition, a rare occurrence in Sweden, but polls show that they actually lost the majority support shortly after the election last year.

The Swedish Liberal Party, Folkpartiet, is pretty similar to the US one. This means that they're way too conservative for my tastes. I'm a liberal, sure, but I'd never vote for the Liberal Party. Maybe in the US, where there's no realistic alternative.

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So this is not the Aard Qaeda support site?

Oh man, you should use this opportunity to really tear them a new asshole before they discover your true political leanings. It would be fun for them to link to a blog that really gives them hell. Release the hounds!

I picture an extreme archaeologist (or as you would inevitably be called in the US, an x-treme archaeologist) as someone dressed in black spandex, bungee jumping down the side of a cliff with a trowel in one hand and a stiff paintbrush in the other.

An archaeological extremist would be, of course, a member of the Neolithic Liberation Front or People for the Ethical Treatment of Akkadeans (PETA).

Of course you should take it as a compliment; you're listed under the heading "Pages we like"!

Just a thought: if Anna-Lena Lodenius should live to a very old age and her field of study has moved on to focus on other issues, will she then be considered an archaic extremologist?