Anybody Paying Attention to Books/Albums Lists?

I'm thinking maybe it isn't worth the effort to keep the Good Books and Good Albums lists going in the left-hand column. Better to put that effort into writing more blog entries about books and albums? Dear Reader, if you're a regular and would miss the lists, please say so in a comment.

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If your amazon associates program is telling you that no one is clicking on the links, then it is also telling you that no one is really looking at them. On the other hand, if you are getting piles of Amazon Bucks, then don't remove them! Because that indicates that we like them!

Me? I didn't know they were there until you asked. I focus on your wonderful content.

If you can't be bothered, then go ahead and ditch the lists. But I like to see what other scientists are reading/listening to. It helps show that although we're a bunch of geeks we are still slightly "down" with it.

Keep it. I always like hearing what other people are reading. Occasionally I see one I want to read and will head over to the library.

I agree with JYB, I think they're worth keeping, I am always very interested in seeing what others are reading, and I like that you have comments under the titles.

Keep the list and post some reviews :) I don't usually click on the lists, because they throw me into, and I order my stuff from I like to get hints about interesting books, especially if the books are recommended by someone who works on the subject :)

I read your (music)album list. I have found a lot of good music there. And I have bought some of them. It seems to me that we have the same taste (is that bad english? :-o).
But I never "click" on them.

So keep it!