Carnival of the Godless 79 -- Pie Now on Earth

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Welcome everybody to the Carnival of the Godless, a bi-weekly collection of good blogging from a perspective unclouded by notions of friendly guys in the sky who provide pie when you die.

And Bob's your uncle. If you've enjoyed the carnival, feel free to FedEx me some pie. The next instalment will appear in the virtual flesh on 25 November at Sexy Secularist. Submit here.

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Thanks for linking to me. G-d knows I'm not an atheist or agnostic, but I agree that it's unlikely there is no apple pie after death. I'm pretty sure, however, that there will be blueberry.

Great job.

Martin, I can't think of any pies that would survive a trip half way round the world, maybe I should send you a recipe instead. Sweet or savoury?

"christianess" in lower-case? Isn't that insultingly intolerant? You wouldn't do that for any other religion, eh?