Call for Nominations: 2008 Gene S. Stuart Award

A press release for you archaeoheads:

An award of $2000 is made to honor outstanding efforts to enhance public understanding of archaeology, in memory of Gene S. Stuart, a writer and managing editor of National Geographic Society books. The Award is given to the most interesting and responsible original story or series about any archaeological topic published in a newspaper or magazine with a circulation of at least 25,000. The award will be presented at the 2008 Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 28, 2008.

Past winners have included individual stories on local archaeological projects and series that span international boundaries and the range of archaeological endeavors. Included have been exposés on looting and pot hunting, interactions with local populations, and controversies. Paleontology, although a worthy field in itself, is not eligible for this award. No dinosaur stories please.

Special Requirements

  • The nominated article should have been published within the calendar year of 2007
  • An author/newspaper may submit no more than five stories or five articles from a series
  • Nomination packets may be submitted as PDFs via email to Renata B. Wolynec.
  • If submitting hard copies, six copies of each entry must be submitted by the author or an editor of the newspaper to:

    Renata B. Wolynec
    Department of History and Anthropology
    Hendricks Hall 143, 235 Scotland Road
    Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
    Edinboro, PA 16444

Deadline for nomination: January 11, 2008.

Thanks to Malin at Vetenskapsnytt for the heads-up.

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