Gonna Flash My Stuff

i-de58047502047ac5e121d471a7150f5d-skepchick.jpegI've just agreed to a flattering request from real.girl at Skepchick. This means that chances are you will find a skeptical archaeologist in partial deshabillé in the 2009 edition of the Skepchick skin calendar. And I'm train blogging again. And I'm on my way to Lund where historians of religion have invited me to comment on a PhD thesis manuscript about the Migration Period. Life is good!


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I'm a korean living in seoul.(name: Oh Minseok)
Korean special investigative team are investigating samsung
But they does not work right.
I am suspicious to be bought off.
samsung corporation has many crimes.
And the team investigates samsung corporation.
It contains korean companies samsung,huyndai,sk CEOs' illegal issuing
stocks or bonds.
The quantity are plenty.
(Three company CEOs did(and are doing) many crimes to me.
Many koreans are knowing it.
But many koreans are bought off by illegal issuing stocks or bonds.)
The team are knowing it.
Korean special investigative team must investigate this.
But they are trying to conceal it.
I ask for asking for this criminal investigation to prosecutors in any
And help the shareholders.

Three companies are hacking me and trying to kill me.
And are suspicious to use my name and email illegally.
If you receive another message that I dictated above are not true,
it is not from me, but from three companies.
The things I dictated above are true.


By Oh Minseok (not verified) on 20 Feb 2008 #permalink

Damn you, chaebol. Damn you straight to hell!

(Finally an opportunity to use the word "chaebol"!)

Will your readers get to choose the pose? My vote goes for one with you holding a replica of the Djurhamn sword. ;)

I don't know what deshabillé , but just don't take your clothes off or anything.

Welcome to Lund
Tried to check on google with the institutions of theology, but didn't find anything like that. Maybe that seminar will be at the Historical?

Mugabe: "Chaebol is a South Korean form of business conglomerates. ... The Korean word means business group, trust (as in Standard Oil Trust), and is often used the way 'Big Business' is used in English." Indeed, when in a state of undress, I am often referred to as Big Business.

Alun: I wouldn't want to eclipse that huge sword like that. It wouldn't be respectful.

Greg: Vraiment pas!

Sim Z: It was actually at the Dept of Theology & Religion studies somewhere in the NW part of the Medieval city.

Il est tout simplement jaloux.

By Son of Priam (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

unfortunately, i held class during the afternoon, so i would have missed the occasion anyway. :(
But hope you had an interesting session.

A sceptic aardvark is always useful at Theology (CTR), especielly when they write essays on proving the existence of God.

In Uppsala, the theologians used to share (maybe still share) an office building with the philosophers. The philosophy undergrads liked to modify the theologian's sign on the front door, changing it from TEOLOGISKA INSTITUTIONEN to --OLOGISKA INSTITUTIONEN. ("Dept of Illogic", to you non-Scandies.)

...mmmm.... i have to think fast, here....
and the Philosophers: "Filosofiska institutionen"
can be......
______FISK_ institutionen

Yes, the 'o' makes for funny things in swedish, when combined with classical languages. What about "Fil-o-sofiska institutionen", ('Institute for lovers of unwisdom')? :-)

/ Mattias

...or....remove the K as well

Wouldn't "“Fil-o-sofiska institutionen” be sourmilk, not belonging to the class of sophisms? (i.e. not a logical fallacy).

By Fredrik Bendz (not verified) on 05 Sep 2012 #permalink