More Djurhamn Tree House Ruins


Back in February I showed you some pix of abandoned tree houses at Djurhamn. One of them had a computer, just like my son once reported visiting a tree house with a typewriter.


I've spent the past three days metal detecting in the same area, falsifying our working hypothesis that there would be easily accessible 16th and 17th century stuff there. But I did find more tree house ruins. And one had an interesting piece of furniture: a gynaecologist's examination chair!? Turned out that the tree house was built on the margin of a dump area where all kinds of strange stuff was sitting, and someone had apparently selected the chair for inclusion in the tree house site.



Another ruin site was actually a bit of a problem: two tree houses quite near each other, with loads and loads of debris on the ground between them. And right on the edge of this scatter of late-20th century junk was a three centuries old copper coin. I have no idea how many coins like that might remain in the vicinity, because there was so much recent crap that I gave up detecting that site.


In other news, Katharina Schoerner has had awesome Djurhamn Sword teeshirts made. She's such a metal chick.

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