Google Knol Live

Alun tells me that Google Knol is now live. It's like Wikipedia, only written by experts and pwned by Google. Check it out!

Also, I happened upon Everything2, this other weird & interesting hypertext community where anything goes, not modeled on an encyclopedia.


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Not necessarily by experts, as I'll be writing a few, but there will be known authorship. It's more a moderated version of Wikipedia. For instance you'll always have nutters who think Buffy is better than Sabrina, but now they won't be able to vandalise the article with sentences like "Buffy shows more more character development in a world where goals are earned rather than the simplistic wish-fulfillment of Sabrina" because I'll have to approve them before they get added to the knol.

Of course if you do disagree, then you'll be able to make your own entirely separate Buffy knol, which would be a blow if a special interest group wanted to police an entry.

Get with the times and down with the lingo, you gaffer. Knol is owned by Google. Wikipedia is pwned by Knol.

Thanks for the link.

to pwn

1. To own in the sense of defeat.
2. To beat someone or something by a wide margin, usually in relation to a game.