Birthday Clustering

Yesterday my glorious daughter turned 5. Today my radiant son turned 10. In the maternity ward five years ago I quipped to the nurses, "The kids being born one day apart, I suppose I'm only fertile for one week each year".

Replied one of them, "I think you're probably only romantic for one week each year."

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in the case of my parents, it was generally a cold snap before the heat went on in the fall... all of us were born in july too.

Last week you were assuring us you were romantic a couple times a week!

The nurse was of course just making a sour-grapes comment, and under the circumstances I had little opportunity to show her where things really stood. (-;

Belated congratulations to the young and bright ones. I must remember to wear my welding goggles when I meet them next week.

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How do you expain it when there's clustering across generations? In my family it's in January. There's a cousin on the 21st, sister 22nd, another cousin 25th, my younger daughter on the 28th, my mother on the 30th and son the 31st.