Two D&D Virgins

With kudos to Mattias who sent me the link, here are Stephen Lynch & Mark Teich performing a fine song about being a 14-y-o D&D-playing young man. To those of our readers who currently fit that description, let me say that just a few years from now you will no longer have the least interest in sneering high-school jock girls. Instead you will attract the intimate affections of bright college freshwomen, some of whom will demand to do some pretty wild things with you, including but not limited to the playing of D&D.

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And some very wild things can happen after (and occasionally during) D&D games. Of course it helps if the GM is a bit on the nutty side and so are several of the players. More than one of my old guitar player's games ended in debauchery. One rather memorable one didn't even get finished before things went a little crazy - it wasn't my fault, though I ended up being the first one naked. Three menfolk held me down, while two lovely young ladies removed the offending garments - not to say that the three holding me down had a very hard time of it.

The moral of the story being, be careful who you game with - you could end up in a loser game where no one gets naked and has Teh Sex.

Errr... I don't think I've ever played an RPG session where I would have felt comfortable seeing it devolve into an orgy. Just goes to show that I've been gaming with the wrong people, I guess!

I certainly never got involved in any gaming sessions like that. Mind you, I don't remember ever being involved in a gaming session with women present, so maybe it's not such a bad thing...