New English Gold Hoard Tpq AD 15

i-ac49387abdb3198a3c71156b9447dd83-image0318_b.jpgThanks to a good metal detectorist and a swift response by British Museum archaeologists, all English Iron Age aficionados can now enjoy and study a hoard of 824 indigenous gold stater coins, buried in AD 15 or shortly thereafter. The hoard was in a plain pottery vessel, buried in a rectilinear cultic structure near Wickham Market, Suffolk. It's the largest Iron Age gold coin hoard reported from Britain since 1849.

In Sweden, we don't have a single coin deposited at such an early date, and it wouldn't surprise me if the Danes don't either (though they do have other very cool imports of the period).

Via Archaeology Daily, with thanks to Reggae Roger for the heads-up.

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We do have coinfinds with equally old or older coins in Scandinavia, but if there is anything that we can say was deposited this early (or earlier) I dont´t know.

Even a stone age-fanatic such as myself cannot help being temporarily blinded by THAT brilliance!
As you say, the date is the most important aspect - that is really, really early. Any interpretations yet if it is a "tribute" (bribe) voluntarily paid by the romans to some Celtic chieftan, or if it is the spoils of a succesful raid?

Apparently the Britons of that period buried large precious metal hoards within their ritual precincts. Seen before, but not always coins.

Indigigenous coins. That's even more interesting. Tell us more.

As I understand it, there is an argument that at least part of the motivation for the Roman invasion of Britain was to get their hands on our gold.

as someone who doesn't use a metal detector and claims ignorance, how do they detect precious metals? i only knew about detecting for iron.

They detect all metals. Most beep when they sense something. If the beep is low-pitch, it's iron. If it's middle pitch, it's lead. If somewhat heightened pitch, it's copper alloy. And if it's a high squeal, then it's either gold, silver or aluminium. Unfortunately it's pretty hard to tell those three apart.

it's pretty hard to tell those three apart

"If in doubt, dig it out".

Many a Viking axe or medieval sword has been mistaken for a horseshoe...

By Charles Butcher (not verified) on 29 Jan 2009 #permalink