Tom Lehrer Got It From Agnes

From 1980, a television appearance by the brilliant Tom Lehrer, where he performs a song that never made it onto any of his records back in the day. (I hear it's on the CD re-issue, though.)

Via David Nessle.


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Haha, the "Sociology" song captures a trend in 60s and 70s archaeology as well. I wonder what Lehrer would have made of the reaction against that, the "post-processualism" of the later 80s and 90s.

Lehrer, born in '28, is still around, BTW.

I remember this song from The Doctor Demento Show (a syndicated comedy radio show here in the U.S.; popular in the 1970's and '80's, for those of you not familiar).

The big surprise here was Martin's reference to Tom Lehrer still being alive. I had assumed he was long gone. I am glad to see he's still around.

By PsyberDave (not verified) on 05 Jun 2009 #permalink

Tom Lehrer was, last I heard,

Enjoying his retirement from teaching math at the University of California at Santa Cruz.

He's 81 or 82 now.