

"In Internet culture, a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file sharing or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates actively."

From this follows that a de-lurk is an opportunity for shy regular readers to make their presence known. Please tell us something about yourself, and about what you'd like to read more of here! Even if you're not shy at all.

Extra kudos to people who de-lurked already at the first Aard de-lurk or even at the Salto Sobrius regulars roundup of March '06.


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It's time we had a de-lurk around this here blog! The last one was a year ago. If you keep returning to this blog but rarely or never comment, you are a lurker, Dear Reader, and a most welcome one too. Please comment on this entry and tell us something about yourself - like where you are, what your…
It’s time we had a de-lurk around this here blog! The last one was a year ago. If you keep returning to this blog but rarely or never comment, you are a lurker, Dear Reader, and a most welcome one too. Please comment on this entry and tell us something about yourself – like where you are, what your…
It’s time we had a de-lurk around this here blog! The last one was over a year ago. If you keep returning to this blog but rarely or never comment, you are a lurker, Dear Reader, and a most welcome one too. Please comment on this entry and tell us something about yourself – like where you are, what…
It's been almost a year since the last de-lurk. Aard has hundreds of regulars, thousands if we adopt a generous definition of "regular", and most of you are lurkers -- quiet readers who don't say much. So, everybody, please comment away, as briefly or verbosely as you like, and do consider telling…

greetings from Canada...

I'm a very very recent lurker who arrived via the magic of the Google Reader matchmakers...

I fall into the catagory of "would be an archeolgist if I could have a Do Over in life"

and I'm not shy online but I consider myself shy in person (do you know how many people I know IRL who laugh when I say that?? hehehehe )

I'm not shy online but I consider myself shy in person

If being shy means to not trust other people with knowing one's true personality, then what better way to guard it than to play the role of an extrovert? (-;

I've left a few comments over the year or so I've been largely lurking. Found your blog when a friend had some SE US Creek Indian pottery highlighted here (it might've been pulled shortly afterward). Have enjoyed reading the wide range of topics you've addressed, particularly Scandy archaeology (which I know little about) and Euro-socio-economic-political issues that rarely, if ever, hit the US news. It's your blog - I wouldn't begin to suggest topics you should cover. That'd take away from the interesting, free-ranging format I've come to enjoy.

I'm an archaeologist involved in CRM, a Ph.D., a dad and husband, currently living in Florida. You (Martin) can read more through our Linkedin connection. The rest of you fellow lurkers will have to content yourself with this little bit of bio (ha ha).

Hi Martin
As a fellow blogger, I prefer not to lurk, and like to comment, but I don't like commenting for the sake of it.
I would love to know who reads my stuff & what they think; I admire your open approach to the issue, this a good post.

I often think about our mutual interest in caffeine when sitting down with a big jug and the latest WOGE. I think we have similar views about TAG.

Nb. Also, being Dyslexic there is a danger of looking very stupid when you comment & hense some reluctance.

Hi, my name is Niklas and i'm a lurker...
(the other members of Lurkers Anonymous chant back: Hi Niklas)

I'm a swede with an interest in archaeology (did i spell that right?), who found this blog via at tip from a friend and have been lurking here ever since.

Not entirely a lurker, but I guess you could say that I'm an infrequent commenter; but I drop by at least every work-day, and frequently on the weekends as well.

I'm a 50-year-old non-scientist, non-archaeologist, non-historian, who has always geeked out on those subjects. I'm also a skeptical atheistic bookworm, so your blog seems like a good fit. :) I understand that liberalism is in the eye of the beholder, and doesn't seem to mean quite the same thing over here in the USofA as it does across the Big Water, but by local standards I guess I'm a left-leaning independent. I've got one child, a masculine child (Robin Hood: Men in Tights reference) who is 24, and getting married next weekend. Pretty excited about that.

Anyway....I like your blog as it is, so carry on!

Hi! I started reading when I heard you interviewed on the Skeptics Guide to the Universe. At least I think that was this blog, there are so many in my RSS feed reader and that was so long ago it's hard to keep track. I'm a scientist, a skeptic, and I like gawking at old things. So I started reading. And even when posts have nothing to do with any of these things, I still like reading them. So I've kept reading.

And I'm not particularly good at adding to discussions. Anything I have to say has usually already been said by someone else and I hate parroting it.

My name is Dayna, I'm 32 and I live in the U.S.

I'm mostly a lurker though I have left a few comments here and there. I'm not an academic so I don't often feel I have anything constructive to add to the conversation.

Hello, I've definitely been a lurker for some time. I rather enjoy a lot of what I read, but am not in general one for commenting.
I appreciate the opportunity to let you know I'm reading appreciatively though!


I don't know if I'm a lurker, per se. I just haven't had much to add in a while.

Suffice to say, Martin, you are my favorite Swedish archaeologist.

By PsyberDave (not verified) on 09 Jul 2009 #permalink

Hi, I'm a 23 yo Library Science grad student in the U.S. I heard you on SGU, and have been following ever since :)

Hi, I'm 32 yo IT professional from Sweden. I found your blog from the VoF forums (Swedish sceptics society) and I've been a follower for well over a year now. I really enjoy your posts on metal detecting and the politics of archaeology in Sweden.

I own a "torp" with some land which has a documented history back to at least 1660, when Queen Christina gave it to the church. I have been inspired by your blog to keep all the finds I make when digging around in the garden. So far they mostly consist of things used for agriculture (shovel handles, horse shoes etc) and old bottles though. :)

Keep up the great work!


Here's another Marcus, from Gothenburg.

I play a lot of games, and have done since I was a kid. I used to play in the club Yggdrasil in Gothenburg, and have been to some 25 Gothcons.

One of my interests is medieval history, and it has lead me on to studies in languages like Old English, Old Norse, and Latin.

Swedish medieval history is a subject that has seen some rapid changes over the last 20-30 years. And some of these changes were introduced, not by historians, but by archaeologists like Martin.

One very good thing is that today, Sweden seems to be mature enough that we no longer have to believe in a dynamically growing Swedish state with but one origin. Sweden is quite a big place and there is room for many stories to be told. A simple guess is that in the future more pages will be devoted to lands like Skåne in books about the middle ages.

I am looking forward to read Martin's book before my next visit to Ãstergötland. If I understood correctly it is about the ale houses there :D

This is so annoying. I have a handheld with internet access. But Moveable Type's damn interface doesn't work in IE or Opera under Windows for Mobiles. And it has no email opening where I might toss entries in. So I am unable to travel blog unless I ask a person to publish my entries.

As traditional, de-lurking for a brief instant (I have even de-lurked as a guest poster once on this great blog!).

I'm an IT analyst working at a big insurance company. I just did some archeology work there in the storage .... no just kidding, but the collection of ancient calculators (20 years or so... they had already a display) I recently found in a cupboard was a nice touch! Sadly, they'll throw it out eventually, another piece of corporate history will be lost.
