A Narrowed Social Horizon at Facebook

Here's something Leif Häggström sent me on Facebook, originally apparently written by one Abby Smith.

Have you noticed that you are only seeing updates in your newsfeed from the same people lately? Have you also noticed that when you post things like status messages, photos and links, the same circle of people are commenting and everyone else seems to be ignoring you?

Don't worry, everyone still loves you and nobody has intentionally blocked you. The problem is that a large chunk of your friend/fan list can't see anything you post and here's why:

The "New Facebook" has a newsfeed setting that by default is automatically set to show ONLY posts from people who you've recently interacted with or interacted the most with (which would be limited to the couple of weeks just before people started switching to the new profile). So in other words, for both business and personal pages, unless your friends/fans commented on one of your posts within those few weeks or vice versa - you are now invisible to them and they are invisible to you!!

HERE'S THE FIX: Scroll down to the bottom of the newsfeed on the homepage and click on "Edit Options", click on "Show Posts From" and change the setting to "All Of Your Friends and Pages" Note: This is the fix for personal pages but I am unsure of whether or not the business pages are set up the same way.

Simply posting an update about it won't do any good because lots of your friends/fans already can't see your posts by default. You'll either have to send out a message to everyone on your list (which I'm not even sure business pages can do and is a rather tedious method) or post an event explaining the situation like this one and invite your entire fan base and/or friend list. You can also tweet about it hoping that most of your fellow facebookers are also on twitter.


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I'm totally Facebooking this...not that any of my Friends will be able to see it

Odd new social horizon with big consequences..."Simply posting an update about it won't do any good because lots of your friends/fans already can't see your posts by default". Thank you, Facebook (sark).

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By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 11 Feb 2011 #permalink

Thanks! I had wondered about that. I also wonder why sometimes my own posts appear on my wall and sometimes they don't ... social media confuse me.