Non-Science Fridays: ERs are almost worthless

Don't go to the ER.
So yesterday I was excersizing relatively strenously and after about 40 minutes I started to have some chest pain on the left side along with tightness in my neck and shoulder. Hmmm...good time to stop. It wasn't really severe so I took a shower but the tightness and some pain remained but decided to head home as it was likely just some pectoral strain. Then I realized that if I heard about me, I'd call me stupid so I thought I should go to the hospital just in case. Well, that was the dumb idea. I was directed to an urgent care: "You'll get seen right away, but in ER, unless you've lost a limb, are unconcious or got shot it'll probably be 6-8 hrs". How sad a statement is that? (The IOM agrees) I got the picture and went to an urgent care and got seen within 20 mins plus it was probably cheaper for my insurance. (I'm fine by the way, they also think some chest muscles are spasming). Today, I'm feeling fine, eating a doughnut, but exasperated with ERs to the point of laughing.

The Gov from Illinois
You've all heard of this but I implore you to read the transcript if you haven't. It's just way too good. (the first part is dull, you've got to get to the wire tapped stuff). Rod isn't stepping down (just like you don't name your daughter Candy if you don't want her to be a stripper, you don't name your son Rod if you don't want him to be a mafia hit man, foulmouthed corrupt pol, or crack-showing plumber). Why isn't he stepping down? He doesn't say. I've been trying to contemplate his possible defenses.
1) I was rehersing for a play called "Rod Blagojevich sells his soul and Illinois down the river".
2) My wife made me do it (reading the transcript this may be 10% true).
3) Um, isn't that how politics work, you [expletive] [expletive]?
4) Do your worst, my hair will protect me.


Weekly Aural Pleasure
Yes, it's Mr Scruff again. I love his music and find his, charming is the word I think I want. The pear dance at 2:31 especially makes me smile. Happy Friday.

PS That's the wonderful Alice Russell on vocals in case you're curious.

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You are eating a donut? So you want go again to the ER/Urgent Care with chest pains, this time for real? Please reconsider ingesting sugary wheat flour bombs fried in unnatural vegetable oils. Really.

It's not the ER's fault. It was allowing primary care socialized medicine to be destroyed that caused the ER mess you're all stuck with.

As today is tuesday I've had a banana, and orange, and a bowl of Cream of Wheat. Not only does that make it okay to eat my friday doughnut, but it makes it all the more fun. All things in moderation. Really.

I love that song and the video is awesome!!!! However, I kept worrying about how bruised the fruit would be after a couple of takes :-P

Stockport viaduct and an angry toxicologist are not two things I thought I'd find on the same webpage. That I have found them together has cheered me up enormously for some reason.

I love that song and the video is awesome!!!! However, I kept worrying about how bruised the fruit would be after a couple of takes

Yes, it's Mr Scruff again. I love his music and find his, charming is the word I think I want. The pear dance at 2:31 especially makes me smile. Happy Friday.

It's not the ER's fault. It was allowing primary care socialized medicine to be destroyed that caused the ER mess you're all stuck with.

My husband had a similar crap experience at an E.R. recently. He had stabbing pain in his upper abdomen for a week.. night sweats, fever the whole shabang. He went to the E.R. and was there for seven hours.. only to be seen for by a nurse practitioner, who drew blood, and told him he was extremely healthy and he probably pulled a muscle. So.. a waste of a $100 copay and a huge waste of time!
Campanola Watches

As today is tuesday I've had a banana, and orange, and a bowl of Cream of Wheat. Not only does that make it okay to eat my friday doughnut, but it makes it all the more fun. All things in moderation. Really.

Fantastic post! This could aid lots of people find out about this matter. Do you want to incorporate video clips together with these? It could undoubtedly help out. Your reason was spot on and owing to you; I probably won't have to describe everything to my pals. I can simply direct them here.

Yes, it's Mr Scruff again. I love his music and find his, charming is the word I think I want. The pear dance at 2:31 especially makes me smile. Happy Friday.