
Posts by this author
December 20, 2007
The Effect of Spinal Cord Severing in Zebrafish
Blue Expo
Previous research indicates that nervous and cardiac tissue regeneration occurs in zebrafish because they lack some inhibitory characteristics found in mammals. The purpose of this project was to observe spinal cord regeneration…
December 12, 2007
Here's another interesting question from our most recent neurobiology exam. With some luck PZ won't get irritated that I keep recycling my work. This paper was a bit of a brain thumper but also very interesting after deciphering what it's talking about.
3) Summarize this paper and describe both…
December 4, 2007
This week is the second to last week of the semester before finals and everything is coming down to the wire, including my neurobio lab project. PZ was so kind as to come in and help me out this past Sunday morning; the morning after the blizzard had quieted leaving everything covered in various…
November 28, 2007
The seed of this mornings discussion in neurobiology was "Time, Love, Memory" by Jonathan Wiener. As has been the norm in past weeks we met in the on campus cafe bringing along with us four insightful questions each to keep the discussion rolling along throughout the hour. Wiener describes later…
November 12, 2007
As I wrote about before, my semester lab project for neurobiology has to do with regeneration. The idea is to damage the spinal cord and observe wonderful regeneration. This proposal was based on some articles I read about regeneration of zebrafish hearts, fins, tails, etc. Unfortunately I haven…
November 9, 2007
Synesthesia is going to be the discussion topic for our upcoming neuroslam in two weeks. Synesthesia is the rare ability of a select few individuals to see numbers as colors or as in the article that I'm preparing to discuss (Hubbard 1996), experience varying degrees of light and dark as melodic…
October 25, 2007
The beginning of this week was fall break at our college campus. We had the weekend off as well as Monday and Tuesday. Since I had been planning to return home to northern Minnesota for the first time since moving down to west central Minnesota in August, I decided to take Thursday and Friday off…
October 16, 2007
I noticed that PZ posted one of our take-home exam questions on Pharyngula and so I decided to make an entry with my answer (I okayed this with PZ first although he did warn me of the certainty of harsh reader criticism). The question referred us to a recent article in Nature about TRPV1 ion…
October 8, 2007
A two hour presentation was given at a local church last night by creation scientist whom I won't name. This presentation overall lacked direction and seemed to jump from one topic to another without really stopping to make a point. About a third of the presentation was about dinosaur diversity,…
October 5, 2007
In discussing Soul Made Flesh this past Wednesday morning in PZ's neurobiology class, I brought up what I thought to be an interesting, though somewhat tangential, point. Zimmer mentioned Anne Conway and how ambitious she was in her studies despite not being allowed to attend a university. The…
September 28, 2007
As one of my fellow classmates has already described in part, we have proposed to study the effects of sleep deprivation and alcohol on zebrafish. We have a good idea of how to execute experimentation on this topic. The meaning behind it however remains, as of yet, a bit vague. The idea was…
September 21, 2007
In PZ's class we're reading and discussing Soul Made Flesh by Carl Zimmer. This non-fiction book follows the journey that neurobiology has made throughout its history. The details of this history that most prominently catch my attention are the logic, methods, and observations upon which early…
September 14, 2007
To be quite honest, I've never written for a blog before. That seems as good of a sentence as any to start off with. Each week my fellow neurobiology students and I will be writing about something to what we're studying in class. We may write thoughts on our discussions of the non-fiction…