
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

July 29, 2009
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
July 29, 2009
Hey man. I confess that did not groove to it, that I did not feel the beat and sense the vibes. But now I do. Hidden. Hidden deep in her sorry salty subtle soul all this time and I did not sense the vibes. Because I could not do the transformation like William. Before (watch between 1…
July 29, 2009
At this point, I don't think I'd have a beer with this cop. Also, I have to agree that Obama stuck his foot in it on this one. He may have been right, wrong, whatever, but when this sort of thing happens it is best to stand back and not get directly involved in this sort of thing until the dust…
July 29, 2009
And you can totally step on it and it's OK. Read all about it here.
July 29, 2009
Or, more accurately, of their book Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens our Future ... will be found here, in Stephanie Zvan's latest post at Quiche Moraine.
July 29, 2009
.. the Anthropology Blog Carnival, is at A Hot Cup of Joe
July 29, 2009
In which I explain how Abrahamic religious tradition, ingrained in Western society since before its very history began, explains some of the special ways in which we can be so dumb. Leviticus, the ancient Biblical law, does not give us a lot of room for negotiation, and I think this may help…
July 29, 2009
My own personal experience with Yahoo is a tale of woe. Years ago, I co-moderated what was then the most heavily used Internet discussion forum on Human Evolution and related topics (which has since evolved into PalAnth. That group was on Yahoo. The three or four of us (depending on when) who…
July 29, 2009
According to the following, the person who made the 911 call did not mention race until asked, and even then did not mention "two black males with backpacks." The two black guys with backpacks seem to have been added in to the police report authored by Police Seargant James Crowley. Specifically…
July 28, 2009
Hat Tip: Javier
July 28, 2009
We're screwed. More information here at Digital Rabbit
July 28, 2009
Europeans laughing at each other: A Swedish couple in search of the isle of Capri drove to Carpi, an industrial town in northern Italy, because they misspelt the name in their car's GPS. Italian officials say the couple asked at Carpi's tourist office where they could find Capri's famous Blue…
July 28, 2009
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday voted to approve Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice over nearly solid Republican opposition, paving the way for a historic confirmation vote. source Only one Republican voted in favor of Sotomayor (Linsey Graham). What bunch of…
July 28, 2009
Hi everyone; this morning at 8:00am, July 14/09, I proceeded to the Denny Island aerodrome, located on Denny Island in the midst of the BC Central Coast archipelago, aka "The Great Bear Rainforest" where I broke open the welded steel cover and dismantled and destroyed a large seismic shot which was…
July 27, 2009
Is the Natural World a valid source of guidance for our behavior, morals, ethics, and other more mundane areas of thought such as how to build an airplane and what to eat for breakfast?1 When it comes to airplanes, you'd better be a servant to the rules of nature (such as gravity) or the airplane…
July 26, 2009
"Human nature" is an interesting topic. People will argue over the definition of human nature, but regardless of what people think or say, it is reasonable to assume that all humans share a psychological and developmental framework to the extent that any two people raised in the same background…
July 26, 2009
Cambridge Police: A matter of black and white is revised (just the first several paragraphs)
July 25, 2009
Carl Zimmer tells us: Facebook lets 3rd party advertisers use your posted photos without your permission. To opt out: Click on SETTINGS (located on top of page in blue bar, next to logout); Select PRIVACY SETTINGS; Select NEWS FEEDS and WALL; Select the TAB that reads Facebook Ads. There will be a…
July 25, 2009
My friend Car2D2 told me about this, so I eventually tracked it down to share it with you. Check it out. . Snap on tools, indeed.
July 25, 2009
This fall, Harry Potter fans will get the chance to step inside the famous wizard's magical world through Harry Potter: The Exhibition, which opens at the Museum of Science, Boston on October 25, 2009, at 9 a.m. Tickets are now available online at or by calling 617-723-2500, 617-589-0417 (…
July 25, 2009
cat: dog: Yoomans:
July 25, 2009
Jud Süà is a 1940 Nazi anti-Semetic propaganda film that was widely loved in much of Europe, especially Germany (and also vilified and banned in various places). The production and showing of this film was a significant moment in the development of the widespread German hate of the Jewish People…
July 24, 2009
UPDATED (based on feedback from commenters, new information, and some other data) Is racial bias ever a factor in police work? Was racial bias a factor in GatesGate, the recent incident in Cambridge Massachusetts involving Harvard scholar Skip Gates and the Cambridge Police? Here, I want to relate…
July 24, 2009
So a laptop with a half-unplugged memory chip is brought into a shop. The techie fixes it right way, and calls the owner to tell her that a new mother board is needed. In the mean time, he's looking through private photos on the hard drive. That was one of several documented events chronicled…
July 24, 2009
From the NCSE: Three historians of science are unhappy about their treatment in a creationist movie about Darwin, as they explain in a note in the July 2009 Newsletter of the History of Science Society. Peter Bowler, Janet Browne, and Sandra Herbert write, "We have recently been featured in a…
July 23, 2009
According to the BBC, 17,000 mile cable has just been completed connecting South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Mozambique to Europe and Asia. I'm not quite sure how an undersea cable, which this is, connects landlocked Uganda to anything, but well, that's BBC African Geography for you.
July 23, 2009
Our desktop support folks couldn't do anything with it. When I told them my story about what happened (at least I'm honest) they realized it would be easier to re-install the machine with a fresh image of Windows Vista. Read this sad but unsurprising tale of woe at Linux in Exile. And find out how…
July 23, 2009
Reports are now surfacing that the son of Osama Bin Laden was killed by a US Hellfire missile fired from a Predator Drone in Pakistan at an undisclosed date earlier in the year. BBC
July 23, 2009
Unfortunately, NASA is calling it a "wild creature of the dark" with an "eye-like object at its center." Actually, it is a galaxy, which is plenty cool so they could do without the fancy-talk. Here's the picture: This is Galaxy NGC 1097, and it is about 50 million light years away/ago. The…