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August 31, 2007
This is the last post for the Pacific Institute's Integrity of Science blog. We've really enjoyed our time at ScienceBlogs and think this is a great community. To quote a walrus, "You're such a lovely audience, we'd like to take you home with us, we'd love to take you home." At this time, the…
August 14, 2007
In her Aug. 12 column, "Paralyzing fog of certainty on climate" Debra Saunders asserts many things, including that money flows to climate scientists as well as climate skeptics. No argument there. However, she neglects to distinguish between the quality of research this money funds, asking, "Why…
August 7, 2007
Something else is bothering me about yesterday's USA Today article Science vs. politics gets down and dirty. It's the implication that scientists are speaking out because of political bent. Science policy professor Daniel Sarewitz of Arizona State University in Tempe says: "I think the opportunity…
August 6, 2007
This morning, hotel guests across the country this morning woke up to a chronicle of the divide between science and poltics in USA Today's "Science vs. politics gets down and dirty." There's no need to hit the complimentary continental breakfast for a second cup of coffee when your morning news…
July 26, 2007
Jesse Springer of Eugene, Oregon is the new Union of Concerned Scientists Science Idol His entry was our pick as well: Established last year, UCS's "Science Idol" is an annual editorial cartoon contest on the theme of science integrity. Last year's winning cartoon is here. Check out all of this…
July 26, 2007
In a nutshell: "This administration's political appointees might be unique in their contempt for government scientists and the empiric process that shapes their work." Read "Frog by frog." Hat-tip to Michael Halpern
July 24, 2007
A number of voices have weighed in following this months revelation that Surgeon General Richard Cormona had been subject to widespread political restrictions from the White House during his 2002-2006 tenure. Many have held up the story as another example of politics and bias getting in the way of…
July 23, 2007
The Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby had an interesting thought-piece in yesterday's paper. Did you hear about the religious fundamentalist who wanted to teach physics at Cambridge University? This would-be instructor wasn't simply a Christian; he was so preoccupied with biblical prophecy that he wrote…
July 2, 2007
Would the oil and gas industry underwrite research that makes the plight of the polar bear seem, well, less dire? Does a polar bear swim in the Arctic? From NewScientist: Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and his colleagues question whether polar bear populations…
June 27, 2007
Earlier this week we noted that the Bush administration is continuing its efforts to rewrite history with regard to its stance on global climate change. From E&ETV: Monica Trauzzi: We've seen a change in tune of sorts from the president recently relating to climate change. Beyond this latest…
June 25, 2007
In an interview with E&ETV last week (subscription required) White House Council on Environmental Quality Chairman Jim Connaughton managed to get through the entire interview without touting the much-used but much-cherry-picked claim that the US has been beating Europe in reducing greenhouse…