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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

October 19, 2007
Correction: My post a few days ago implied implied that the Washington Post celebrated Gore's Nobel by publishing four items repeating the falsehood that a judge found nine errors in the movie. This was wrong. I missed their editorial on the Nobel Prize where they also took a swipe at Gore: His…
October 18, 2007
Several climate scientists have now examined the alleged errors in An Inconvenient Truth. At RealClimate Gavin Schmidt (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies) and Michael Mann (director Penn State Earth System Science Center) write: First of all, "An Inconvenient Truth" was a movie and people…
October 16, 2007
David Appell tells of his correspondence with Tim Ball The other day I challenged Tim Ball's assertion that "the world is cooling." I showed temperatures plots for the last several years, and of course it depends on how you want to define "climate" -- do you consider it the last one year of…
October 16, 2007
John Mashey offered some good advice in a comment on my post on the War on Gore. I'm following Michael Tobis' example and boosting it from comments. Editorial and News Editorial and news really are often quite separate, with the Wall Street Journal as an extreme case. I get it for the numerous…
October 15, 2007
Paul Krugman offers an explanation of Gore Derangement Syndrome So if science says that we have a big problem that can't be solved with tax cuts or bombs -- well, the science must be rejected, and the scientists must be slimed. For example, Investor's Business Daily recently declared that the…
October 14, 2007
When last we heard from Christopher Monckton he was too gravely ill to answers questions about how someone claiming to be him and using his ISP had altered his own wikipedia entry and added on obvious fabrication, to wit, The Guardian "is reported to have paid Monckton £50,000 in damages.".…
October 13, 2007
In my post on the decision by Justice Burton to allow the showing of An Inconvenient Truth because it was "broadly accurate" I listed some of the reporters who wrongly claimed that the judge decided that AIT had nine errors. Mary Jordan's story was particularly bad. Most of the reporters…
October 13, 2007
ScienceBlogger Shelley Batts is competing for a $10,000 college blogging scholarship. She has a great blog called Retrospectacle. The scholarship winner is decided by votes, so go here and vote for Shelley!.
October 12, 2007
For this post I didn't go trawling through freeper or blog comments or look at obscure blogs. I just went to memeorandum. William Teach The Nobel Prize committee has basically surrendered to hysterics, mass exaggerators, and liars, most of who are not even climatologists or even any type of…
October 11, 2007
Joint winners of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize: The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 is to be shared, in two equal parts, between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. for their efforts to build up and disseminate…
October 11, 2007
A UK High Court judge has rejected a lawsuit by political activist Stuart Dimmock to stop the distribution of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth to British schools. Justice Burton agreed that "Al Gore's presentation of the causes and likely effects of climate change in the film was broadly accurate…
October 11, 2007
A story asserts "Australians would re-elect Prime Minister John Howard in a landslide if votes were cast purely on policy - not personality or party loyalty - according to the first results from a "blind voting" tool developed by" Almost 35,200 of the 72,300 participants…
October 10, 2007
RealClimate reports that the notorious Oregon Petition is back. This time the mailings are using the new JPANDS version of the Robinson's dodgy paper. RealClimate are doing an open source debunking, so head over there and join in the fun.
October 10, 2007
Gilbert Burnham and Les Roberts have an op-ed in the Baltimore Sun: Not wanting to think about civilian deaths in Iraq has become almost universal. But ignorance of the Iraqi death toll is no longer an option. An Associated Press poll in February found that the average American believed about 9,900…
October 6, 2007
Tim Ball and Tom Harris tell us: The world is cooling. Global temperatures have declined since 1998 and a growing number of climate experts expect this trend to continue until at least 2030. Do you think that Ball or Harris or any of these "growing number" of climate experts would be willing to…
October 6, 2007
The latest issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (JPANDS) has attracted the attention of Eli Rabett and Lauredhel. Rabett notices that JPANDS has published an updated version of the paper used to mislead folks into signing the Oregon Petition, while Lauredhel looks at a dodgy…
October 4, 2007
Revere reports on a new paper that found that women with the highest DDT exposure had a five-fold elevated breast cancer risk: This is one study, albeit a well conducted one by experienced investigators. It is also relatively small, limited by the number of historical stored serum samples. But the…
October 3, 2007
On June 6, someone with IP address added this passage to Christopher Monckton's wikipedia page (emphasis mine): Monckton has been published in academic journals on the subject of climate change and his principal calculations have been reviewed and found accurate by one of the IPCC's…
October 1, 2007
This is an open thread (and your last chance to get into the 500,000th comment contest).
September 30, 2007
There was a sales person at my front door. The conversation went like this: SP: Are you interested in getting Foxtel? Me: No. SP: Well, [he's about to launch into his sales pitch, but then he notices Silas] That's a really big dog. Me: Yes. SP: OK, bye.
September 29, 2007
Mark Steyn on the trouble he has with facts: Incidentally, I stopped writing for the [New York] Times a few years ago because their fanatical "fact-checking" copy-editors edited my copy into unreadable sludge. I think it's some sort of chemical reaction -- add facts to a Mark Steyn column and it…
September 29, 2007
Robert McClure reports: Now the Society of Environmental Journalists' Watchdog Tipsheet has just revealed that Michaels withdrew as an expert witness in a recently decided landmark court case in which automakers sought to turn back state efforts to rein in cars' production of greenhouse gasses.…
September 28, 2007
James Hansen replies to the deceitful IBD editorial: The latest swift-boating (unless there is a new one among seven unanswered calls on my cell) is the whacko claim that I received $720,000.00 from George Soros. Here is the real deal, with the order of things as well as I can remember without…
September 27, 2007
Via RealClimate, James Hansen refutes the Investor's Business Daily's claim that he endorsed global cooling in 1971: Mr. McCaslin reported that Rasool and Hansen were colleagues at NASA and "Mr. Rasool came to his chilling conclusions by resorting in part to a new computer program developed by Mr.…
September 26, 2007
Last year I wrote about the inaccurate claims that the World Health Organization had reversed its policy on DDT when it had in fact supported its use all along. A recent paper in Lancet Infectious Diseases 2007; 7:632-633 also concludes that there has been little real change. Authors Hans J…
September 24, 2007
William Connolley provides an example of Christopher Monckton telling a fib. I have another example. In Monckton's letter to Senators Snowe and Rockefeller, he writes: Finally, you may wonder why it is that a member of the Upper House of the United Kingdom legislature, wholly unconnected with and…
September 24, 2007
Say hello to two new to ScienceBlogs bloggers, Coby Beck, of How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic fame, and Science Woman who writes about balancing family and an academic career.
September 23, 2007
Eli Rabbett coined the usage "to Rasool", to refer to the practice of attributing papers to just one of the authors in order to target the only author mentioned: A very famous paper by S. Ichtiaque Rasool and Steven Schneider in the early 70s modeled the effects of aerosols on global temperature.…
September 21, 2007
Aaron Swartz has written a nice article giving the story of the anti-environmentalist war on Rachel Carson.
September 21, 2007
Will McLean found an error in the detailed tables for the ORB survey. The tables indicated that 60% of the Baghdad sample was Christian, which doesn't seem plausible. They've now released corrected tables. It looks like the religion of some of those surveyed was entered incorrectly. Also at the…