Vote for Shelley!

ScienceBlogger Shelley Batts is competing for a $10,000 college blogging scholarship. She has a great blog called Retrospectacle. The scholarship winner is decided by votes, so go here and vote for Shelley!.

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Shelley Batts of Retrospectacle is a nominee for a $10,000 blogging scholarship (that is, a scholarship given to someone who blogs, not a scholarship for studying blogging). The winner will be determined by popular vote. Of course, the responsible thing to do here would be to go read the blogs of…
So ScienceBlogling Shelley Batts of Retrospectacle is one of twenty finalists in a blogging contest, and if she wins, she gets a $10,000 scholarship. Head on over to the voting page, and vote for her. Why? Not only do I like her writing, but she also stood her ground against Wiley Publishing…
Once again, fellow ScienceBlogger Shelley Batts of Retrospectacle is a finalist for the $10,000 Blogging Scholarship at The winner is chosen by a popular vote, so if you think she's deserving, go vote for her here. I already did. Here are the reasons Shelley laid out last…