A few of you might have noticed a drop-off in posting activity over the last week or so. My wife is preparing to deploy to Iraq - we've got a couple of weeks left before she heads out. She took some leave, so we were enjoying some family time. Posting will continue to be a bit erratic for the next couple of weeks, until she deploys.
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As a soldier currently deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom I empathize with your situation. Deployments are not an easy thing to go through.
Mike, regardless of whether one agrees with the rationale for executing and continuing this war, rest assured that you and your wife have the best wishes and warmest thoughts from fellow SB'ers and the rest of the science blogosphere for her safe return and the barest minimum of family separation.
I just want to echo Abel's comments. The best of luck to you both and all my best wishes for her safe and quick return.