The Logistics of Memorials.

Yesterday, my wife and I were talking about current events over dinner. Part of the discussion got a little bit...interesting:

Me: "It looks like some of the families at Fort Lewis are upset with the post CG [commanding general].

Wife: "Oh? What'd he do?"

Me: "It looks like he thinks that the number of memorial services is causing problems, so he decided to just have one big one every month instead of individual services."

Me: "Sorry. Should have waited until you were done chewing."

In all seriousness, though, the incident at Ft. Lewis really did happen, although I did have some of my facts wrong when I was talking to my wife. The decision to go to one service per month was made by the acting commander back in May - a month when 20 soldiers stationed at Lewis died in the combat zones. After the entirely predictable outcry from families stationed at the base, the new commander put the decision on hold in mid-June, then decided yesterday to change it. Memorial services will now be held as often as necessary - on Wednesdays. The post settled on Wednesdays for logistical reasons - it would provide necessary travel time for families who wish to attend the on-post services, and would not be likely to conflict with holidays.

I swear, you just can't make this stuff up. It's like reality decided to take a job writing for the Daily Show or something.

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