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Scott Aaronson is explaining "Physics for Doofuses," and has started with electricity. He's got a nice breakdown of the basic quantities that you need to keep track of to understand electricity, leading up to Ohm's Law. He asks for a little help on this point, though: Well, as it turns out, the…
Seed is trying to figure y'all out with a little official reader survey (in contrast with our threads asking you to introduce yourselves, which were not prompted btw by the Seed overlords, in case you were wondering). Apparently the reader survey takes only 10 mins to fill it out, and their…
(This is a post about the concluding volume of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, so if you clicked through here because the title made you expect a rant about religion, you're at the wrong blog.) It's hard to say anything coherent about this other than "Wow." I mean, this is the tenth thousand-page…
Note: This is a repost from ye olde blogge (which, I am informed by the kind gentleman who is helping me debut it will be back to function by early next week - thank you all for your patience!). Aaron Newton and I are starting up our farm and garden design class today, and we'll be posting a lot…