Tonight: Morbidly cool happenings in NYC

If you're in New York tonight, head over to the mysterious new "Observatory" between Proteus Gowanus, Cabinet Magazine, and the Morbid Anatomy Library for

(1) a book release party for Confronting Mortality with Art and Science: Scientific and Artistic Impressions on what the Certainty of Death Says About Life;

(2) a film screening of Art:Science = Science x Art;

and (3) conversation with some really, really cool people. I'm jealous that i'm down here in DC - even if I do get to go see Adam Gopnik tonight at Politics and Prose. I'm going to have to pre-order this darn book on Amazon like everybody else, sniff sniff. :(

More info on tonight's event at Morbid Anatomy. More about the book here.

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