Why you should let a physicist curate your art show

What do you get when you ask Harvard physicist Lisa Randall to curate an art show? A Los Angeles gallery found out, and Wired has the story. My favorite quote:

I asked Mays whether the artists gained an appreciation for physics. "Oh god, yes!" he said. "I've seen them carrying books around about different scientific theories."

No! Not artists with books of scientific theories! The world is upside-down!

Coverage of the Measure for Measure exhibition is here - it sadly closed last weekend, but there are photos online, and I tracked down a few of the sciart contributors, Meeson Pae Yang (with an incredible tube apparatus as her website splash page), Felicity Nove, and Katrina MacElroy. My favorite? Susan Sironi, creator of intricate cut-book sculptures inspired by anatomical themes. Want.

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